But the actor and director, who has been outspoken in support of Democratic causes in the past, also doesn't offer full-throated support for President Barack Obama.
"I voted for Obama last time although he got to be all things to all people then," Affleck said in an interview to promote his new film "Argo." "And now he's got a record which makes it really different ... I obviously have more complicated feelings."
Affleck says Romney's inability to connect with everyday Americans is reminiscent of past failed candidates.
"I think Republicans really had a chance to win," Affleck said. "And they kind of ended up with like a sort of Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, Bob Dole type – who just couldn't get people to see him as a real person somehow. Romney just had such trouble coming off as just like the kind of person you see at the grocery store. And I truly believe that has cost him the election."
"It seems quite unlikely at least if you look at the statistics that he's going to pull it out. I think something happens in presidential politics where there's negative momentum. You start making mistakes and then all your advisers tell you, `You've got to raise your arms more!' `You've got to talk deeper.' So people just get into becoming robotic."
Affleck's "Argo," in theatres Oct. 12, chronicles a joint effort by the CIA and the Canadian government to rescue six Americans from Tehran after the U.S. embassy was taken over by Islamist militants in 1978.
Affleck, who has done lobbying in Washington and visited Africa several times for various causes, doesn't sound much of an optimistic note whatever the outcome in November.
"The world is a very tricky place in terms of foreign affairs. And really, really we're in very bad shape economically," he said. "My worry is less about the presidential election than whether or not we're on a permanent downtrend. That really concerns me. Beyond the Obama administration and whoever the next – the Clinton administration – whoever gets elected next. That's my main concern."
Readers' Review:
Romeny keep changing what he believe and stand for,he even takes other people ideals as last minute way out. I don't think he really knows what he believe he just whats to buy himself the title President, he all ready has everything else. Romeny do not care about the old, young or the poor. I don't think he is fooling anyone. see you at the election. -----Cynthia Malbrough-Walker
"And they kind of ended up with like a sort of Al Gore type – who just couldn't get people to see him as a real person somehow. "
Affleck does realize that Gore got more votes than Bush, right? --JimmyJusticeUSA
Who is Ben Affleck and why should I care what he thinks about the election? Insert any actor's name in the headline: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon, etc., and the story would be exactly the same. Why is this being thrust on readers under the guise of "news"? ------TaylorTay
I don't have a problem with what he had to say-- but I think most people had incredibly unrealistic expectations when Obama got elected. No one could have picked up this economy in less than four years, and I knew he'd get the blame for not being able to do so.
What I DO hold against this president is Arne Duncan and the viciousness with which they have betrayed America's public school teachers. The incredibly hostile atmosphere in which they are now forced to teach is one of the reasons I just left the field (despite ten years of stellar reviews). ------Nicolajhedges
Ben you have lost a lifetime fan who has seen your movies abd will now never again watch them or buy them. Your comments are yours and you own them. This country made you a star now we look at your work as just a vehicle for your own wealth. You now belong to a group of people that will be considered cultish and branded ----krsdal
He stopped short of blasting Obama the way Matt Damon did because he is promoting a movie. I would have had more respect for him if he had just said, "I voted for the guy in 08 and I hate that I have to vote for him in '12 because he sucks." Matt Damon was so disrespectful to the President (saying he had no balls because he wouldn't "stand up to Wall Street") after having been such a supporter and very connected to the President in 2008. It makes total sense for Republicans and Independents to say those things but for a staunch Democrat who basically had a direct line to the President to turn on him in that manner... Me thinks he had unrealistic expectations of what the Black man could do for the country anyway. Oh well... ------Lucida
I 'm a pro-life voter and pro traditional family so I'm a steadfast Republican. Dems to me are immoral.
I feel sad to see abortion looked at as a blessing. This is why social security is failing partially but I am for opt out in regards to Social Security.
Our Country was great but we are getting lazy and want to not work. Very bad.
I think Gov. Romney can win in '12. He has business experience- just what we need now. President Obama had 4 years.... he proved unable to lead. He's too bent on changing us for the worse- more spending & entitlements and in a celeb- Washington elete bubble.
We need change now if we ever did. I'm voting for Change in 2012!!!!
You're entire post was kind of a head-scratcher and offensive besides. Howsomever, this sentence stood out in it's total failure to make sense. "I feel sad to see abortion looked at as a blessing. This is why social security is failing partially but I am for opt out in regards to Social Security."
OK. *First sentence in that quote: NO ONE sees abortion as a blessing. What people see as a "RIGHT" is the right to make their own medical decisions, including whether to end an unplanned or accidental pregnancy--what's a blessing is that women can hold off having children until they can support them and they can control how many they have. (i.e, women in poverty not being able to plan their pregnancies; having too many kids making them even MORE unable to dig their way out of poverty--includes generational poverty)
*Second sentence: What in the world does Social Security failing/succeeding have to do with abortion???
As for rest of post? Ah, just keep watching Fox, vote for R&R, and keep on thinking they will make positive changes. Delusion can be a fascinating place in which to hang out. ------cheo
Ya know, Ben part of this is OUR fault...
WE are the ones that bought the "hope and change" thing without recognizing that it was IMPOSSIBLE...Washington can NOT be changed unless we change every single politician there at one time which is impossible due to our system. Every new person has an elder corrupt person waiting for them when they arrive. WE put the pressure on, WE believed all this was possible...Obama hasn't been who I thought he should be but not for one second do I believe McCain/Palin would have been any good nor do I believe romney/ryan would even TRY to help the majority of us. Their platform is simpler and easier to keep their promises because they are promising NOTHING to anyone but themselves.
How could they go wrong that way? -------robv89121
America is more than an economy. There's a gigantic social, cultural and philosophical difference between the right wing Republican Evangelical Tea Party agenda and the Democratic agenda. Even in bad times economically, people can survive if they pull together and see value in one another beyond money. Sure, we want jobs and manufacturing and credit. We also want healthy children, education, safe homes, clean air and a chance to be happy. Democrats offer social safety nets so we don't have to worry if we get sick and have need food or a doctor. I think basic food-shelter security is important to people right now. And it's not just financial, it's which leader sees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as something everyone deserves, who believes in the Declaration of Human Rights. -------BlogAngel